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Convert Hexadecimal to Text

Encoding is a process by which the input data is transformed to a different format. For eg, the letter 'a' is transformed to 61 in hex encoded format

Hex Encoder is a tool that uses hexadecimal system to encode plain text to hex format.

Hexadecimal system is also known as Base 16 as it uses 16 chars for encoding. These are 0 to 9 and A to F that are combined to represent 4 bits of binary data

In hexadecimal encoding scheme, every 4 bits is transformed to hexadecimal value (0-9, A-F). So every character represented by 8 bits of data in binary will have 2 hex symbols. The binary representation for a character in 8 bits can range from 00000000 to 11111111 which is 00 to FF in hexadecimal system.

Consider letter 'P' whose ascii value is 80 and represented in binary form as 01010000. The first 4 bits 0101 is 5 in hexa. The last 4 bits 0000 is 0 in hex. So letter 'P' in hexa is 0x50. 0x as prefix is used to depict an hexadecimal value

This is an example of an encoded format Input (Plain text): What is Encoding? Hex Encoded Output: 57 68 61 74 20 69 73 20 65 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 3f

The same encoding system has be used for decoding to convert encoded text back to original format
